Friday, October 5, 2012

Food, Fun and Fellowship

Days 11, 12, and 13 have been filled with much walking, lots of sun, a few more blisters, and sun burn!  I have walked from Najera through Santo Domingo de la Calzada through Belorado on to Villafranca, where I spent the night of Day 12.

On the evening of Day 11, I spent the night in an old Catholic church (built 14th century!!) called St. John the Baptist on mats with about twenty other pilgrims.  There was a closed-in spiral staircase winding up the bowels of the church building.  There was only one shower and a couple of sinks.  But everyone fared well. 

We had wonderful hostesses who served a home-cooked meal including a delicious salad, and then we all ate around two long wooden tables together. Everyone introduced themselves.  We had two people from Slovenia and one from Japan.  People are here from all over the world! We also attended "mass" and received a special pilgrim blessing and then had a nice reflection with candlelight just before bedtime.

On that evening, after posting my last couple of posts, I left my camera at the bar. When I realized it, the bar was closed.  God truly provided and I got my camera back within an hour.  It´s too much to go into here but suffice it to say that I am glad that I can still post photos. Perhaps God was giving me a slap on the wrist for posting that last photo!  (Just kidding!) :)  :)  :)  (Note:  I am having trouble posting photos from this computer.)

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