Friday, October 12, 2012

Days 17-20: Blisters

I have now completed Days 17-20.  I have traveled in several very small towns including Fromista, Carrion de los Condes, Terradillos de los Templarios, and Hermanillos de la Calzada. In two days, I will be in Leon.  When I arrive there, I hope to take a break and stay for an extra night in a "real" hotel. 

Today, I have been walking along the Via Roman.  It is amazing to me to think that I am walking along a road where people from as far away as Rome traveled during the Pax Romana (time of Roman peace).  It was because of this extensive highway infrastructure that people from the Holy Land and Rome itself were able to travel and share the truth of Holy Scripture. Today, as I walked, I thought also about that movie, Gladiator, and remembered how they referred to the protagonist, Marcellos, as "the Spainard".  I guess this is the setting for the beginning of that movie.

The good news is that I am now over half way through this pilgrimage!  I have walked over two hundred and fifty miles (or over four hundred kilometers)!  Despite the joy of having made it this far, I have been feeling a bit worn down. (I can hear some of you laughing, "Well, of course you are!".) I do ask you to pray for me during this time when my blisters are still as large as quarters and when staying in very tight quarters with many other people has lost it´s appeal...not that it was ever that appealing!

Earlier today, I wrote an email to a few friends asking them to pray for me, for strength and endurance and joy in the journey.  One of them, Barbara Beasley, a friend from my church in Durham, NC, shared with me a wonderful entry from her journal.  I asked her if I could post it here and she said yes.  Before I post her entry, I want to share also that I am having difficulties getting my photos to download and post properly.  Hopefully, when I arrive in Leon in a couple of days, I will be able to share more photos from my travels. 

Here is Barbara´s journal entry, which I think is so timely for this part of my journey:

"What does it mean to enter into suffering as part of God's purposes?  Is it Biblical?  Jesus suffered on the cross once for all.  Are we called to enter into suffering with Jesus on behalf of someone else?  For our own transformation/sanctification?  I've enjoyed reading Martha's blog, praying for her, seeing her pictures.  But I'm praying today for all her blisters.  I was struck by her perseverance in the midst of her pain - in spite of it.  What a metaphor for us, our life.  She's walking, making a pilgrimage.  We too are on a pilgrimage.  Does pain, suffering derail us or do we keep going, taking needed rest breaks and tending to our physical needs.  I want Martha's blisters to go away - for God to heal them.  But she's still walking even with the blisters.  Is God somehow speaking to her through that like he is to me? What "blisters" are slowing down my journey, causing me to limp?  What does it mean to develop a "limp" as I walk with God on his path for me? Jacob wrestled with the Lord - was blessed but ended up with a limp.  Out of his wrestling came blessing and a limp.  What about Paul's thorn in the flesh?  He knew God's strength was made perfect in his weakness, that God's grace was sufficient.  It was enough.  As Martha limps along, she's being blessed by divine encounters, beautiful sights, an incredibly memorable experience and a time set apart to hear and discover what God has for her. How am I experiencing my own journey even when it's incredibly rocky, uphill, hot, blister-inducing, beautiful, peaceful, memorable, glorious........Sometimes I limp, get discouraged, feel battered and bruised in my soul, feel elated, blessed, tired, energized, close to God, far from him, lonely, surrounded by friends....but always God's presence is  present.  He understands my suffering and my joy.  He's with me in both.  What do I learn about God in my times of pain that I might miss in my times of happiness/laughter/up times?  Do I let the blisters bring me closer to God or do I let them discourage me and turn away from God?  Do I allow the blisters to make me more empathetic?  Is it worth the blisters to encounter God in a way I might not have otherwise?  A lot of questions; the answers, I think, come moment by moment, day by day as I walk this path with blisters on my tired feet.  Do I allow God to push me beyond my comfort zone?  Do I place my own boundaries on how far beyond?  Am I willing to be made uncomfortable?  Get blisters? And keep on going?  Getting more blisters??"

"Martha I'll will continue praying for you, dear one.  I just cannot imagine what this is like!  I'm sorry for looking at the pictures as if you're on holiday and not thinking enough of the pain and the purpose of what you're doing.  God is with you - you and I both know that." 


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