Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Days 24-25: Wrong Way, Right Way

After such a comfortable evening at the "Paris Spa Hotel" in Leon, I set out again yesterday along the Way in a rainy drizzle.  Within an hour, the rain stopped but the clouds and brisk wind (mid 40´s F) continued throughout the day.  Before I departed on this pilgrimage, my sister just assumed that if it rained, I would use an umbrella! (Not!)  This is the same sister who sent "microwave" popcorn to me in Rwanda ten years ago! (Not! - Smile - I love you, Sara!)

I had intended to go along the scenic route to the next location listed on the map.  I have a book that gives me maps to know where I am going and how far I will need to travel, including the altitude that I will need to climb.  As in the past, I used not only the map to guide me, but diligently watched for yellow arrows that are painted all over the countryside to guide pilgrims en route to Santiago.  These yellow arrows are a feast to one´s eyes, especially when one has gone several hundred meters and is beginning to wonder if she has made a wrong turn by missing the all-important next yellow arrow.  In addition to following the map and the yellow arrows, I even asked for directions from a kind person who was eager and willing to help.

But, alas, I somehow missed the turn where I was supposed to "go left" to the more scenic route.  Instead, I ended up traveling the whole day, and much of today too on the completely unscenic route bordered by a large highway with transfer trucks whizzing by.  It was not my idea of a quiet walk along the Way!

As I trudged along in the cold, I asked God, "What happened, Lord?"  I did everything I could to go the right way, but somehow I missed the turn?"  Trying to accept even this mistake as a gift, I thanked God for being with me and for being in control, regardless of where I was and where I was going.  (In this case, it meant that I was going to a totally different location for the night, a location where I would probably not know anyone.)

It was only later, that I realized that by going in this "wrong" direction, I could walk an additional 5 kilometers for the day, which would make today´s walk much more manageable.  Yesterday, I was already worried about how I would manage the 31 kilometers that I would have to walk today.  By walking the "wrong" way and by going the additional 5 kilometers yesterday, my distance today was shortened by as much as 6 kilometers!  This was a great gift, especially considering that it was raining hard today and was windy and cold. 

I share all this, not to bore you with the details of my walk, but to encourage you as I was also encouraged.  How often do we feel that we have done ALL WE COULD to do the right thing and to follow God´s highest and best, and yet all unfolds, seemingly for naught?  How often do we follow the scriptures (map), follow the sanctified circumstances (yellow arrows) and even ask for help from God Himself?  Having done all we think is "necessary", we assume that things will turn out the way that we "know" is "right".  But then, something goes ascue and we question "why" things had to happen the way they did and "why" God didn´t prompt things to happen the way we assumed they "should". 

One thing we see from this is that God´s work in our lives is not dependent on our actions.  He leads us by his GRACE, and while He wants us to embrace and obey the truth of his Word, He doesn´t "reward" us for doing so.  (This would lead to a "works" theology.)  And just as importantly, even when we seem to have made the wrong turn, sometimes God actually INTENDED THAT TO HAPPEN to make things easier down the road. This was an important lesson for me to remember in the last couple of days.  I hope it can be a meaningful reminder for you too.


  1. Dear Martha,
    It is so good to hear from you today and know that you enjoyed the comfort of the “Paris Spa Hotel" in Leon. You needed that "little bit of luxury" to rejuvenate you and give you strength before facing the cold rain and anxiousness created by making the wrong turn.

    I hope the weather will turn warmer and sunny and also hope you blisters are healed.

    Thank you for the beautiful lesson and reminder you described.

  2. Thank you for being consistent in sharing!
