Monday, October 22, 2012

Days 28-30: Reaching for the Stars

I am now 96.4 miles (155.2 kilometers) from Santiago de Compostela!  I entitled this post "Reaching for the Stars" for two reasons.  First, the last few days, and yesterday in particular, have been filled with climbing and climbing and more climbing.  Yesterday, the last 6-7 miles of my hike were like walking straight uphill, really like reaching for the stars.  I was clambering over slate surfaces, gravel rocks, tree roots and large stones. I was dodging cow patties, listening to cow bells on woolly sheep, and today, met several cows face to face along the trail! Early yesterday, it was cold (37.5 degrees F), and the wind and whisps of fog danced around the mountain as I made my way closer and closer to the more intense climb nearer the top.  A beautiful river/brook bubbled along the trail to my left, and the yellows, reds and oranges of fall foliage accented the water´s mossy banks and dark blue and black reflection. 

I also called this post, "Reaching for the Stars", because the name, "Santiago de Compostela" ("compost terra"), means in the original Spanish, "field of stars".  I am inching closer to Santiago de Compostela every day, and I couldn´t be more excited and determined to reach my goal.  Some share that "Santiago calls them closer every day."  I am sure that is true for some, but for me, the thought of reaching my goal and then coming home is what calls me.  For me, reaching for the stars is really about reaching the heights of love and life, and that means, at least for me, being reunited with my family and friends.

Hope you will enjoy and appreciate these photos:


  1. Fantastic! I am so glad to hear of your renewed energy of purpose!

  2. beautiful pictures! still praying for you!

  3. Beautiful, Martha! What town was that where the building had the flower boxes? It was so cute. Hang in there; you're almost there. . .can't WAIT to see the pictures at the end of the journey at the church on All Saint's Day!! So excited for you. .. .

  4. enjoy each sight and step...they are ALL gifts from our GOOD and GRACIOUS KING. praying for joy and safe walking. love you!

  5. Dear Martha,
    Thank you for this post, especially the pictures. The photos really give your words meaning. It is easy to understand how difficult your climb was up the mountain on very rough trails. The sites are amazingly beautiful as is the variety of plants.

    I like this quote by Jimmy Dean: “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” You have adjusted your sails many times since you started the Pilgrimage on September 20th. Now Santiago de Compostela, the field of stars, is not so far away. Hopefully, you will not need to adjust your sails much more before you are safely back at home with your family and friends.

  6. What an experience, Martha! Thank you for sharing it with us. I love reading your blog posts and I just prayed for you! Love, Jessica Brogdon

  7. Wow, Martha! You made it - congratulations!! I specially loved reading about "Scotty"! Thank you for writing all along the way, and sharing your insights, as well as all the beautiful photos!
    Our love,
